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Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR) is the newest, cutting-edge modality in the world of bodywork because of its quick, long lasting results. It is a precise diagnostic and treatment methodology, which treats the receptor system of the body, developed by Orthopedic Surgeon and Neurologist, Dr. Jose Palomar. If our sensor system (our proprioception) is “off,” then the structures designed to relay all of our sensory information (touch, stretch, pressure, hot/cold, vibration) to the brain becomes incorrect, and this in turn leads to faulty responses (spasms, uncoordinated movement, inflexibility) by the body.
P-DTR is a system of therapy designed to make improvements to our nervous system and resolve long standing pain, difficult to figure out conditions, faulty patterns of movement, repetitive stress and instability. Simple yet accurate muscle testing is used as the means of sifting through faulty receptors that are at the heart of these responses that most of us know as the end of the workday pain, post run spasms or just another headache. Corrections to this misguided information are achieved through “rebooting” these receptors so they are able to send the proper information to the brain.
So far, P-DTR has been successful in treating most of what we’ve come to expect with our other bodywork modalities. It has also been especially successful in resolving tough to figure out pain conditions, past or current injury, decreased athletic performance and issues that are not normally expected to be improved by massage.